Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Playin' Games

Thanks to friend AVD, I have become a big fan of the game site Check it out sometime and play the free game entitled Know It All. It's online trivia played against others online at the same time. There are some zany characters that play this game; my friend AVD is no exception.

The game has an online chat feature that you can turn on or off. I generally have it on although I've never actually chatted with the people I play against - mostly because I have nothing to say except, "Wow, I suck." Or, "Why do you know all these things? Get a life." And I generally heed my Mama's advice that if I don't have something nice to say ... well, that's not true. I didn't chat because it may have messed up my game.

The names that show up to play are the best part though. In my last game, I played against 'Ivamandalay,' 'Barkinspider,' and my favorite so far, 'SheikYrButi' who claimed to be from Saudi Arabia with a camel named Clyde.

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