Monday, February 22, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! Your gift is on it's way ... will arrive in a swaddled package around March 20! Love you!

What does this mean?

I dreamt that I was losing all my teeth one right after another the other night. And then I woke up with a really sore jaw.

And the next night I had a dream that I was in line at a buffet with three of my high school girlfriends at our 20-year reunion. We talked to a high school classmate while ordering drinks. I was visibly pregnant so he asked me why I was ordering a mojito and I told him that this kid has been in there for 2 years so he'd be fine to have a little rum deliciousness. And then he told me his wife couldn't join us because she was bowling.


If I were a dream interpreter, I would tell myself that this just means that I'm going to give birth soon ... in approximately 4 weeks, give or take a few.