Friday, December 21, 2007

One more sleep ...

Today is the day when the excitement of a road trip amps us like we've already started the daily intake of the sugary sweet treats of the season; all giddy and happy and excited. Right up until about the time we get in the car to drive for ten hours. The excitement wears off right about East Helena 5 miles down the road. The dogs hate the drive too when they come to the realization that this road trip is different than all the usual road trips because the time between stops is quite a bit longer and there is no time for a run and frolic and fetch and play until they fall over from exhaustion ... well, until Squash falls over from exhaustion and Sake just slows down a bit. So, while I've been counting this day as the day that vacation starts, it really won't start until tomorrow when we awake at our destination without the drone of a full day on the road ahead of us. Therefore, in the countdown to vacation, we have one more sleep left.

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