Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy "NEW" Year

As I was getting ready this morning for work, I decided that for this year, my 35th year of existence, I'm going to do something new or learn something new every day; every single 365 days of this year, I'm going to become smarter or good at something obscure. I started this morning by brushing my teeth with my left hand.

I got this idea from AP who saw it in another blog. I can't find the blog anymore so I can't give credit where credit is actually due. But, if you have ideas of new things to try, let me know cuz I have 365 things to learn or do. I'll report my newbies regularly.

Today, I've learned these things:

On this day in 1933 - U.S. federal judge John M. Woolsey rules that the James Joyce's novel Ulysses is not obscene.

Well, then I'm not going to read that book. PHEW - glad I didn't waste my time!

On this day in 2006 - NASA reveals photographs taken by Mars Global Surveyor suggesting the presence of liquid water on Mars.

I wonder if the water is the fountain of youth .... If so, see ya. I'll send postcards.

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