Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas Day, MDoc busted out her amazing cooking skills and treated us all to an eat-til-you're-miserable meal: pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked corn with rice crispies atop, can-formed cranberries, and some jello/whipped cream "salad." And all this food was served only after we'd eaten trays of crackers and cheese, cookies, candy, and 7-layer taco dip. I can't say there was one thing I didn't enjoy ... except maybe the Halvah.

Halvah?! didn't know what it was either. Apparently Li'l Grandma used to get some every Christmas for a treat. It looked more like liver pate than a treat but I tried it anyway just to get a Newbie out of it. It's made of sesame paste (tahini) and sugar, honey or some other sweetener. It's gritty, crumbly texture overshadowed any good taste it may have had. It was marbled with chocolate but not enough to make it taste good. I can't say that I liked it but I would try it again next Christmas just to carry on a tradition. I did notice that the only people eating it was MDoc, Li'l Grandma and Aunt Pauly.

Go figure...

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