Monday, February 25, 2008

Torn ...

I've been counting down until the 2008 election when our country has the chance to redeem itself and get rid of the EM EFFER in office. As of now, it's 253 days, 6078 hours - it's so exciting that I even know the minutes from now - 364679. And it's no secret that I dream of revisiting that day when we can elect a Pres with a D after his/her name. If there's a God ... I won't go there - no need to mix politics and religion - that's another story.

I'm torn internally about whether I want to see the names Hillary or Barack before the D on my election ballot in November. And I guess it's a good thing that I'm torn and wouldn't object to either one of them leading my country. But I generally have strong opinions about who to follow and what they should or should not be doing. And I don't have strong opinions either way. I am not happy with the recent reports of Barack getting sloppy with his campaign flyers - let's not stoop to levels generally reserved for the Repugs. But I also get excited about the "change" that Barack promises and that I don't feel with Hillary. Although, truth be known, a change in the health system is enough to make me excited about Hillary. For now, at the end of the day for me, I keep going back to what I've heard about the environment and reproductive choice in her policies from Hillary and what I haven't even heard mention from Barack. But apparently, the campaign is still open and we may not know what D we'll support for a week or two.

If you have any information that will help sway me one way or another (but don't even try to convince me that the Repugs will do anything but disappoint and anger me), let me know. Until then, I'll continue searching for that information ...


jdoc said...

I'm fairly torn as well, even after putting Barack's name down on caucus night. Hillary's policies are actually a bit more liberal than B's, I'm told, so that's a notch on her side. Actually, that's a couple of notches on her side and had I researched a bit more, I think I would have registered a different vote. Now , someone else will have the final say. But I'll support either one vehemently come November. T-shirts, lawn signs, maybe a bit of canvassing. Whatever it takes.

BDoc said...

Yes, either way, I'm going to piss off my whole conservative neighborhood with lawn signs and canvassing. AJ is concerned what it might to do our neighborhood reputation. I told him I'm more concerned about what NOT doing it might do to our country. I think I "won" that discussion. The Matrix is even going to have its first bumper sticker.

Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading your blog weekly, I just relaized there was a comment box!! What an amazing world we live in, eh? Well, not sure if you've seen this site or not but there's a candidate calculator where you can indicate your stance on issies and how important they are to you and THEN you get a list of the top candidates who are most compatible with you. Kind of like a dating survey in a way. My number one date was Dennis Kucinich. Yikes!

here's the link: