I think we could sentence criminals to lying on their back with their foot propped up and the order to stay that way until hell freezes over. I think that's how long I've been lying here. And subject them to crutches and an aching foot and then put them in a small room with a farting, poop-eating dog that you can't escape quickly. It's an appropriate punishment for almost anything.
I have been passing my time with a number of things that are also becoming quite a bore. Like this one:

Even the best book gets boring when it's all you can do ... And like this:

Luckily, I have a book of 200 crosswords so when I get bored with one, I just move on to the next esp. because my crossword puzzle dictionary is two floors up and that's just too much work to get.
Luckily, I can use this to pass my time too:

And lucky for you all, the subject is consistent: "Pity Me."
Most of all though, what would I do without this?

Thanks buddy.
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