Friday, November 2, 2007

Shiny Happy People Holding Hands ....

What a great way to start my day… Besides waking up to Hubs talking in his sleep – hilarious, unintelligible, rambling – I went to Safeway this morning to get a few things for the weekend. I noticed the stockers (not to be confused with stalkers) filling the shelves with groceries and such. As I rounded the corner to the power bar section where I was headed, I ran SMACK into one of the young men as he was literally dancing around, hopping, singing and not paying attention whatsoever to the (very few) customers that could be coming ‘round the corner. He incorporated the interruption into his dance moves and flitted on his way. It was hard not to smile and laugh to myself about his enthusiasm for life.

I then went to the fruit section to get strawberries for breakfast, and heard, in my peripheral attention to details outside my strawberry search, someone singing to the music, ‘I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you … for all my liiiii-iiiife.’ I looked up to see who was the beneficiary of the lovely song. It was me. Another stocker had stopped his work, inspired by song, and busted it out, arm in the air, dedicating his line directly to me. We both laughed when he was done and I commented on the lovely time I’d had just shopping early morning at Safeway.

As I walked out of the grocery store this morning, I met a friend walking in. I warned him, “There are singing, dancing, happy people in there. Just a warning – don’t go in if you can’t handle it.” He said, “Oh I can.” And danced a little jig on his way in the door.
What a great morning already ….


jdoc said...

Good perspective for me as I begin a long weekend of work. I'm going to try to dance a bit today too.

BDoc said...

Do a little jig. It makes you happy no matter what reality you face thereafter.

I hope you had a productive weekend.

About 15 mins after I returned to my office, I had an email from the friend that was walking (dancing) into Safeway as I was walking out. His email was this: "DUDE, what the hell happened to the people at Safeway this morning? I think I'll start getting my coffee from there..."