Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am thankful for a first Thanksgiving as a wife to my Hubs. I am thankful that I can still touch my toes. I am thankful to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. I am thankful that my nose hairs aren't longer than my nose. I am thankful to have a full belly. I am thankful that my belly isn't bigger than my boobs. I am thankful for living in a great little house that I can call my own. I am thankful that my bunyon isn't hurting right now. I am thankful for my adorable two dogs that only have normal dog issues. I am thankful that my lovehandles aren't big enough to use as life preservers. I am thankful that my two sisters are happy and spending their Thanksgiving with loved ones. I'm thankful for my friends. I am thankful to have a job that I like. I am thankful to live in a state that I love. I'm thankful that I haven't started farting ... yet.

I am thankful. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

cdoc said...

I am thankful you are my sister and that Andrew is now my brother and that you have two wonderful dogs and that I get to see all of you in 24 sleeps!