Friday, November 6, 2009

Temporary Loss

On Tuesday morning, I took out a plastic container for my breakfast just like I do every single morning. And just like every other morning during, I cut my strawberries and then pour my yogurt over the top so that I have breakfast of yogurt, strawberries and almonds at work to enjoy while responding to emails every morning. As I poured the yogurt over the strawberries, I realized that I was pouring the yogurt over the strawberries that I'd cut into our wicker fruit basket instead of the plastic container. Luckily I didn't pour too much yogurt so I only had to clean the wicker of strawberry juice. I was shocked at how long into the process I'd gone before I realized my mistake.

Wednesday morning I put my contacts into my eyes and then decided that it was time for me to switch the once-per-month contacts that I'd worn for three months because they were blurry and cleaning overnight wasn't helping. Much to my chagrin though, my new contacts were even more blurry than the old ones even after I'd gone through the process twice of taking them out, examining them, cleaning them with saline, putting them back in to no avail. When I took them out a third time, I examined my eye and discovered the source of blurriness: I had placed the new contact ON TOP OF the old contact and was wearing two contacst in one eye.

Yesterday, I left my usual strawberry, yogurt, almond concoction (successfully constructed) and the bag of workout clothes I regularly carry with me to work sitting atop my countertop. I didn't realize any of this, of course, until I'd gotten to work and had to find some other breakfast. Returning to my office with a delicious breakfast sandwich and juice I'd purchased from the nearby local bakery, I walked in the door and dumped the entire cup of juice down myself and onto the floor in front of my office. I had to go home to change clothes and alas; my breakfast, sure enough, was sitting on the counter where I left it that morning.

I don't usually do these things. But I think this is karma for disbelieving all the pregnant ladies, friends, strangers, and experts, that I didn't believe when they insisted that a tempororay loss of brain activity was inevitable.


AJP said...

Ha ha...and so it begins. You had a lot happen in one week! Some weeks will be better than others so don't fret. After the little guy's born Andrew will have "baby brain" as well, so you can experience this wonderful side effect together!

BDoc said...

I'm gonna remember all the times he's given me sh*t about this then. Well, I better write it in my journal cuz I probably won't remember...

Anonymous said...

You so remind me of me. Welcome to the world of motherhood.
Love you! MamaDoc