Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cupcakes Make Everything Better

The Little Guy in my belly has been kicking regularly now. I've even detected a pattern: He kicks in the mornings to wake me up and say hello. And then he's active shortly after lunch until around 4:30. I like to feel the kicking because I know he's still in there and hasn't taken a leave of absence.

A few days ago, he didn't kick in the morning, or in the afternoon. And the next morning, on my way to Calgary to visit Hubs, I started to worry a bit because he hadn't been active for over 24 hours at that point. When I spoke with Hubs while I drove to see him, he seemed a little worried but we made the plan that if we still didn't feel anything by the next day, I would get in touch with someone about it.

A few hours later I arrived in Calgary to Hubs with open arms, and cupcakes in one hand. He had the idea that maybe a little sugar might make the Little Guy move. And he was right. I ate half the cupcake (but NOT the Crave cupcake that it really should have been... another story) and he nearly flipped right out of my belly. I've had sugar in those quantities before, but I hadn't had any for a couple days to that point and VOILA, it worked! It was a relief to feel him kick again and I've felt his little movements regularly ever since.

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