Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mopey and Dopey

The Fam is gone and I'm sad. It's inevitable and you'd think I could get accustomed to it given that Hubs routinely heads back to Calgary/school and I'm left with an empty house. But this time, I had a housefull of Family that made the house feel like Home; all cozy and well, crowded. Now, I'm left with just me and the two dogs to keep me company ... and they're moping too. I like to call them Mopey and Dopey when they're like this. Since I can't sit around and mope with the dogs cuz I have a conference to teach (YIKES) on Thursday and I have to go to work, I'll drown my sorrows in some leftover wild rice/turkey soup and sweet potatoes (that quite honestly were the best thing on our Thanksgiving table - Thanks Dave!). I do love me some Thanksgiving leftovers.(I know Hubs, it doesn't make sense, but this is me!)

I'm counting down the sleeps until Hubs gets to come home (22 sleeps to go) - I'm even making a string of paper rings so that I can tear one off each day until he gets back. That will give me and the dogs something to look forward to and maybe it'll help us all mope a little less.


Anonymous said...

I am also sad to come home to our empty house, especially knowing that we will not be together for Christmas, but that is part of life. We will have CDoc and the three dogs for the holidays and I am happy for that. I am thankful that we were all together and had a great time as a family.
Love MamaD aka(Oma)

Amy P. said...

Aww, that makes me sad that you're sad!! You can definitely come over anytime to hand with Mr. Bonjangles if its makes you feel better!! Hell, I'd even let you borrow him for a few days!

Amy P. said...

I meant HANG, not HAND!! Whew...2 beers equals "wasted" in my world these days! I even misspelled Bojangles!! Why am I even still awake!?!?