Thursday, January 14, 2010

After all that ...

I've been living in total and utter chaos for the past few weeks. And this week, it got a little better.

In October of last year, we purchased new countertops. Exciting, yes. But disruptive too. And it was this week that Paul, the countertop guy, FINALLY decided to install the counters. Because the "rebuild" of our basement has moved at glacial speed since the pipe burst in mid-December, I still have piles of our junk on every chair, floorspace and counter on the main and upper floor. And I get to look forward to this type of living for the next couple weeks (at least). The dogs have to stay in the smallest bathroom upstairs during the day because there isn't a place where they wouldn't be in the way (of the rebuild guys) or they wouldn't have their menu of tasty treats (probably even razors, another story) to chew if they were so inclined. And right now, I get to live and sleep with the delicious smell of drying primer on our basement walls.

So, this week, when Paul decided to bring in the countertops, I had to find a place to put all the counter items (toaster over, wine rack, etc) and the additional items from the basement temporarily taking refuge on the counters, somewhere else on the already-packed main and upper floors. I contemplated making him wait to install until the rebuild was done. But at the rate we'd be going, our child would be 2 before we got our new counters. Now the only place I don't have to worry about knocking something over is my bed. I'd take pictures to give you a really good idea of what I'm talking about, but frankly, I don't want to preserve any of this mess for posterity.

Luckily it only took Paul one day to finish the install and the plumber a couple days to re-install the sink. And now I have a shiny new kitchen ...

With ugly counters and the need of new paint color on the walls. Yeah, I'm serious. After all that ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you don't like the countertops, but maybe a paint job will make it all better.

Love You. Oma