Friday, January 15, 2010

This Sunday will be one year since my old friend passed on from this life. I've thought a lot about him and what he left behind and how much impact he's had on the world even since he's been gone. I had a dream last night that he picked me up on the star he's been riding (undoubtedly too fast and too crazy). And he took me on a ride to see the world and how really brilliant it is from up there in his perch in the sky. He was there to teach me the beauty in this world so that I could then teach my child in case I should ever forget. It was a sweet sweet dream and I was thankful to see him even if it was only in my dreams.

It was a lesson I sorely sorely needed right now ...

This past Tuesday was a tragedy of epic proportions in Haiti that has left so many people reeling. I have seen images and heard stories of their overwhelming grief and sadness. I close my eyes during yoga and can't get the image out of my head of a father holding his dead baby wrapped in a bloody cloth with a face of horror, grief, shock and sadness. My heart swells for this man I don't know and I'm desperate to find something I can do for these people.

And today I heard the news I've been dreading from my friend whose husband has been battling brain cancer like a champion for 8 years. He has very little time left to spend with his two young children and wife.


Anonymous said...

I am so saddened about everything about Haiti. I went to lunch today over at the hospital and upon paying for my meal, there was a jar with a label stating donations for Haiti. I dropped my change in the jar and then thinking about it I dropped my change from a $20 dollar bill into the jar. My thoughts at that time were what I saw on the nightly news with a father who had died in the earthquake and his child between his legs with his face down and I knew that I could never imagine me losing my own child. It was devastating.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign off.