Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stay Warm

Winter is finally showing its true colors around here. We've had sub-zero temps for the past 5 days and it's forecasted to continue for another 5 at least. I would normally be complaining up some warmth about such a thing. But this time, I'm actually relieved we have some cold weather. The pine bark beetles might be halted in their steady consumption of a good portion of our forrests. The flu and pneumonia viruses that have proliferated around here might be stopped in their tracks (just before they get me). And the deer in our town for which people have no tolerance will have a more difficult winter and may perish at the hands of their more sympathetic Mother Nature rather than the Helena Police in their culling efforts.

Unfortunately CDoc's car has been sacrificed to the Winter Gods. It got a ride (tow) to a warm and lovely garage to get some love and affection. Hopefully it'll come out with a new attitude and work for the rest of the winter. Keep your fingers crossed.

But my conscience is not without some pause when it gets this cold for this long. Paying for heat is especially difficult when it has to run 24/7 just to keep a place warm. I cringe to think of the families that have to choose between warmth and food at this time. Our office has vowed to donate piles of food to the Food Share in town. I loaded up my car full of food to add to the mounds of food brought in by my co-workers to donate. I have this hopefully-not-naive thought that maybe my donation will make the choice for some family to turn up the heat instead of spend their money at the grocery store.

I hope more of you do the same.

Happy Holidays. Stay warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to you too. We will stay warm with the rest of our family. See you soon!
Love MDoc