Thursday, July 10, 2008

About Time

I met Adrienne Mabel yesterday for the first time. She's the beautiful big blue-eyed baby girl of my BFF. She FINALLY had her baby girl yesterday and I was there for the whole birth.

BFF exhibited her strength, willpower and endurance yesterday. During the labor and birth, the nurses were amazed at how calm and collected she labored through the whole process. She moaned a few pains and asked a few times, "Why won't this baby come out?" But it in the end, she never strayed from her calm, collected will to get through and have a beautiful baby in the end. She made the 12 hours of labor and Three Hours of Pushing look like it wasn't the most painful experience she's ever had. And I think she would tell you, by the looks of her gaze into her baby's eyes, that it was all worth it.

Given how long this labor took and how many Hours she had to Push, it is no wonder that Adrienne came out holding onto the umbilical cord for dear life. The jokes flew about how she didn't want to come out and was going to crawl back up there. The Doc even joked that her other hand was flipping him off. But I think it really meant that she slid down the rope (which is what the cord looked like) and announced, "TA DA. Here I am."

To which we all responded, BFF resounding over the rest of us, "It's about time."

1 comment:

cdoc said...

Can't wait to meet her!