Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I had nothing to fear but fear itself. Well, it wasn't that dramatic. But I've had dreams about my leg being virtually cut off from the saw that removes casts. Today when they removed the cast from my leg, the only sensation I had was a little tickle. It's a vibrating saw that doesn't hurt a bit but I wasn't convinced until the nurse demonstrated on her arm. And then it tickled. Quite amazing really.

And the smell they all warn you about - it wasn't there. Sure, I had flakes of skin everywhere and my skin looks as though it may molt off and leave me with nothing but bone. But there was no smell and it didn't look so bad. Don't get me wrong, there are scarred and scabbed incisions, swollen tissues and wrinkled skin. But my foot is looking pretty good considering the turmoil it's gone through in the past six and a half weeks.

The bad news is that I still have to stay off my of foot for another week and a half. I am happy to oblige given that I don't have a cast and I can take a shower - HALLELUJAH! But I won't be able to start the process of learning to walk again - not for another week and half at least.

The good news is that my x-rays look great. Doc displayed the before and after films and it's shocking to the see the transformation my foot has undergone. The gravity of my foot's deformity in those before x-rays makes me realize that I've done the right thing with this surgery. It's any wonder I could walk on that foot; let alone run, backpack and bike.

And now I can wear all my socks again. Exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also excited about the socks.