Monday, March 10, 2008


ONE MORE SLEEP until I get this *&%!(*#%#&( cast removed - I haven't spared the story for anyone who even happens to glance at my crutches.

The thing to which I'm looking most forward is, interestingly, descaling my leg and foot. I made the mistake of peeling an innocent-looking flake of skin on my toe and pulled a piece of skin the length of my second toe off the back. I couldn't stop there and continued to peel and now it looks like I have scales. Disgusting. I had to put a sock over it to make myself stop peeling for fear that I would have no skin left on my toes. I guess that's how much skin we flake off naturally when it has somewhere to go rather than in my sock or cast.

I'm soooo looking forward to the sight and smell of my leg under the cast tomorrow.

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