Monday, March 3, 2008

Slow moving ...

The only thing I've been able to catch lately is a cold. I have become quite capable on my crutches - even impressed Hubs with my graceful (hardly) jig forward, backward and sideways. Even though I'm capable, I'm still slow and unable to carry much.

Today, feeling sorry for myself because I'm feeling under the weather, Hubs stopped at a convenience store to let me get a chocolate treat to make me feel a bit better. Hubs stayed in the car. So, while inside, I realized that I had no way to get my treats from across the store to the counter to pay for them. The only thing I could do was put them inside my purse. As I approached the counter, I barely beat the other customer there - a police officer standing in line right behind me. As I removed the treats from my purse, I proclaimed, "I really could get myself in trouble for this but I have no other way to transport them to the counter." In good humor, the police officer responded, "Well, you wouldn't be that difficult to catch anyway."


jdoc said...

Ha! I've never known a police officer with a sense of humor. A rare breed.

BDoc said...

I almost commented on that too but figured I was already pushing my luck with goods in my purse and expired registration on my plates.