Monday, October 19, 2009

Stay Home!

In a little town that seems to be experiencing an epidemic of flu, H1N1 or otherwise, I feel lucky to have been spared by sickness so far. Three office co-workers were home today and many others in the hallways and across the town have been debilitated by the effects of this terrible flu. Although I extend sympathy to all those who are sick, I am so angry at the people, like the woman in the grocery store, who are in such a public place that she could single-handedly affect a good number of people. The woman was coughing to the point where she had to stop in the aisle to catch her breath because she couldn't walk without rest. She couldn't go 2 feet without coughing. I quickly moved past her and stayed out of her wake but I'm sure we had to cross paths at one point in the small grocery store. I am struggling with the logical side that says she might not have any other choice but to get food for herself. But my emotional side (which is the one that wins out more often than not nowadays), makes me angry and ready to write a letter to the editor to tell people they have to stay home and get well. This epidemic could get a lot worse and affect a lot more people if the sick don't heed the advice of the CDC and other professionals who urge people to just stay home.


Girl of Approval said...

I admit I went to the grocery store while sick. I picked up provisions like chicken soup, orange juice, and cough medicine. Eric and I live together and we were both sick. We had no choice. I tried to be quick. I also went to a pharmacy to pick up our antibiotics. It had to be done. But I do see people who are sick doing things for fun rather than necessity.

I hope you continue to be spared.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. If you are sick stay home. A lady I work with came to my desk today and told me she did not feel well. She had a fever and thought she was just getting a cold, but was offended when I said to get away from me and to please go home. She does not need to be spreading her sickness to everyone else.