Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stork Delivery Scheduled

I've been without the creativity and subjects necessary to post new entries ... until now, or until 14 weeks and 4 days ago: Hubs and I are going to be parents. Our little lemon is due to arrive by stork delivery on March 20, 2010. We are excited about the prospect of another part of our family to arrive so soon.

I've marveled at the rate at which the little lemon is growing inside of me. I keep track of it on which tells me that at 14 weeks, I can expect that the developing baby inside of me to be merely the size of a lemon. It's equally astonishing that something so small can already cause all this havoc in my life.

I've been fortunate to avoid a heavy dose of nausea. But what I lack in the Barf Department, I make up for in the Fatigue and Debilitating Headache Department. If I complained before about not being able to take a nap, I think I could compete in the Napping Olympics now. And apparently because the insanity of hormones and emotions had already set in, at one point early in my pregnancy, I recall saying to BFF that I WISHED I had even one symptom that would help convince me that I was still preggers; that the FOUR pregnancy tests I took weren't a figment of my imagination. It was that stage, knowing mothers, when you haven't yet seen the midwife to confirm, and you certainly aren't showing yet, and you haven't yet been hit with the usual undeniable signs of preggersville, where I was blissfully unaware of how I would regret actually ASKING for those symptoms. SHEESH. Perspectives change when the stork is scheduled to arrive.

Today, though, marks that day when I can officially say that I can no longer button my pants. I've employed the tactics of millions of other pregger ladies across the world that simply stop buttoning their pants. Hubs and I joked this morning about how the little lemon is protesting inside my belly against tight pants; probably even picketing with signs that say: "NO MORE TIGHT PANTS," and "MUMUs FOREVER." And although I can still fit into a number of my more forgiving pants, this day will be the day that I'll mark as the first real sign of what's to come of the belly bulge that promises to pop even more buttons in the very near future.

1 comment:

jdoc said...


Oh, and you're pregnant.