Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Question That Keeps Coming Up

I awake every morning with a pain in my left side. It's almost a stiff feeling. Not terrible most the time but this morning it seems more intense than usual. I figured it was because Hubs was home for awhile so I slept on my left side more often. But Hubs is gone now and I still awake with an inexplicable pain; as though I've overworked the muscles on my left side. And I can assure you, I haven't.

I have wondered for some time whether we need a new mattress. When I sleep almost anywhere else: hotel, friends place, parents place, ground, I have a better sleep. I have been in denial for awhile because it is not cheap or within our budget to buy a new mattress. And to figure out which one is the best is another feat I'd rather not tackle alone. It would be really great if we could just wait until Hubs gets done with school and then buy a new mattress together that we can enjoy together.

Once again, I ask: Can I make it that long?

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