Monday, June 16, 2008

2 Days Notice

Hubs is heading out east for his field work sometime this week. It's been emotional just to think of him leaving the house and not actually residing here with me for a long time. I know this is best for us and we'll get through this fabulously and probably be closer than we are now. And it might actually be fun (remind that I said that when I'm whining about not seeing him for weeks at a time). NOT FUN that I'll be missing my partner, my best friend, my lover for weeks at a time; but fun that I'll get to know a couple other cities when I spend $4+ per gallon to visit him in Glasgow and Calgary; the latter of which might take me 4 years to know and the former of which I might know in 2.2 hours.

Needless to say, the anticipation and uncertainty of it all is the worst part of growing accustomed to this arrangement (I hope). However, I'm still anticipating it and I'm still uncertain so maybe I don't have any authority yet to declare what has been the worst part.

To make matters worse, two days (today) before he leaves town to start field work (Wednesday) near Glasgow and live in a trailer donated (for free) to his study by one of the funding partners, he was informed that the trailer is no longer available and he has to find an apartment to live. I'm a bit ambivalent about this for good reason. It could be nice because I will be able to visit him and stay in a place that has flushing toilets and a shower. But it might not be so nice because although apartments may be cheap in Glasgow, they are not cheaper than free and Hubs will be making exactly ZERO dollars for the next 4 years.

And thus, I'm anticipating what he will find for an apartment with 2 days notice and I'm uncertain how we'll pay for it.

Such is life for the next 4 years ...

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