The Ladies were very gracious taking weight from me (see the size of my backpack compared to theirs) so that I didn't have to worry about putting too much weight on my foot the first time out.
We traveled to a campsite close to the trailhead on Friday night. We stopped at Lolo Hot Springs to have some dinner and a $1.50 Bayern beer - YUM! We camped in the VW van and there it

That night we sat around drinking another beer before we crawled into our cozy, comfortable, cushiony beds (in the Van) and marveled at the SIZE of the trees. No kidding. At one point, we argued about whether it was a shadow cast from some unknown light (did I mention we had beers?) or a real tree. Finally we decided it was a real-live-honest-to-goodness tree on steroids.
We got to the trailhead and headed on down the trail. It was overcast but didn't rain on us and

We hiked about 5 miles into the hot springs and were pleasantly surprised by how nice they were. We were unpleasantly surprised by how disgusting the camps were near the hot springs - toilet paper, food packages, trash. We found a spot perched up above the hot springs and camped there. It was nice and close to a small stream where we could get our water for filtering and back far enough from the main trail to keep us from being seen by every hiker along the way.

We kept our camp in the same place both nights. And the second day we decided to start off toward Lottie Lake. The topo map indicated about 4 miles to the lake and we were determined to get there ... until about 2.5-3 miles in and 1800 feet. We'd quietly, without complaint climbed and climbed, but finally decided we'd hike for 15 more minutes and then decide how much further to go. It's difficult to give up the idea of a destination after putting in that much work. On our final 15 minute ascent, we were literally HIT IN THE FACE by huckleberry bushes. FULL of berries. SCORE. Our destination - we need not go any further.
We picked and picked and picked and picked - filled a ziploc bag even after stuffing our faces while we picked. Once we recognized the bushes (because they'd slapped us in the face), we saw them for as far as the eye could see. It was then we realized the mistake of our quiet ascent. A bear's wet dream.

On our hike back out the final day, Monday, we were sad to go. My foot felt great, I was carrying even more weight than I'd packed in and we'd had a great time with The Ladies. On the ride home in the Van, I remember thinking, in my semi-drunk 2-beer state, while I was jamming to the tunes slung by DJ AP: I love ladies and am so glad to be one in the midst of such cool ones doing such cool things in a cool place I call home.
Thanks ladies.
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